
Monday 18 March 2013

Laser Hair Removal Is Safe Says Manor Health Clinic

With laser hair removal light is used to kill the hair follicle. Laser treatment is the best for customers with dark hair and light skin, therefore, because dark hair contains much melanin and bright skin contains very little that light is absorbed mein the melanin in the hair.
Patients with darker skin or lighter hair are known to suffer burns from laser hair removal because of their skin contains a lot of melanin, if done wrong or with the wrong equipment light away attracted by the hair and is targeting the skin instead.

A clinic in London says that this is no longer a problem and they can now effectively treat patients with darker skin, they say on their website "we proud that us that the latest breakthrough laser hair removal technology." "Each of the new laser machines, we now it simply passing, lighter/finer hair, darker skin types 4-6 and pain have made free laser hair removal."

Many Different machines available at Manor Health clinic, they are the soprano XL - diode laser, Quantas - Alexandrite lasers and the Quantas - NDYAG laser. So, now practically everyone by laser treatment can benefit.

What are the advantages of laser?

The biggest advantage of this kind of hair removal treatment, the fact that the results for so long is likely many pulse light clinics take customers experience a lasting results after just a few treatments. Although the initial treatment cost is very high in the long term laser is very cost effective, imagine, never wax or bleach the unsightly hair again.

To make sure the clients skin is appropriate Manor Health Clinic offer a free first consultation and perform a "patch test", this is when a small area of the client’s skin is treated by laser to ensure no adverse effects, you can also contact us for WeightLoss Treatment.

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